Thursday, May 10, 2007

CalArts here I come!

I just realized that I didn't post this on here.... But I sent in my confirmation to CalArts and sent out my un-confirmation (?) to USC, NYU, UofA, St. Mary's, UNR, and San Jose. Houseing went out the other day too... and I need to fax in the financial aid ASAP (oppsie)

Now that the decision's over with I am ubber super duper excited to get my butt down there, animated and meet AMAZING artists.

YAYA CalArts! and YAYA to the end of AP testing for the rest of my life.

Now, if I could just get out of work...


Cindey said...

So I'll definitely be seeing you! :)

Jennifer Harlow said...

Hello there, my name is Jennifer(fiddlinartist on Mario's site).

Just another soon to be CalArts' character animation freshmen as yourself! Only a matter of weeks now!=) Hope your summer is going good.